We strive to provide high quality, comprehensive patient centered care.
Primary Care Innovation HSJ Finalist (2017)
Jubilee Street Practice was honored to be among 10 finalists in the HSJ Awards for Innovator in Primary Care. The judges looked for innovations which have proven themselves to be effective and are demonstrating value.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Performance (2016)
In 2016, the Jubilee Street Practice was rated as Outstanding by the CQC for our innovative, responsive, and well-led practice. We have embedded Quality Improvement methodology to deliver bottom-up change and real multi-disciplinary engagement.
Quality Practice Award (2010-2015)
The Quality practice Award (QPA) honors improvement in patient care and delivering the very highest quality care to their patients. The Quality practice Award recognizes the commitment of the entire team, including the attached staff, in providing high quality care for patients within a learning and adaptive environment.