Important Dates

13th June 2024Important information, Patient information, Practice information

Jubilee Street Practice Closure Dates:

Please note the Jubilee Street Practice will be closed from 12.30pm to allow staff to attend a Protected Learning Time on the following dates:

Thursday 18th July 2024

Tuesday 13th August 2024

Thursday 19th September 2024

We will re-open the following mornings at the usual time.

For any urgent medical queries please call 111, or in an emergency call 999.

For a full list of closure dates up to December 2024 please see our ‘JSP what’s on calendar’  

GetUBetter App – for non-specific lower back pain

22nd April 2024Self care

Do you have a joint or muscle problem?

Please use the FREE getUBetter app designed and written by your local clinicians in North East London – TNW. It offers local? tips, advice, and exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery.

  • Instant access
  • Easy to use
  • Safe and effective

Your healthcare professionals cannot be with you 24/7, but getUBetter can.

Why is self-care important?

Most musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions can be treated at home and get better without the need for a specialist appointment. getUBetter gives you the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to improve your MSK health and lifestyle.

What is getUBetter?

getUBetter is a safe and effective way to help you self-manage your injury or condition at home, work, and on the move. The app covers a range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions…

  • Back
  • Back & Leg
  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Ankle
  • Sprains and strains – leg
  • Upper Limb Tendinopathy
  • Lower Limb Tendinopathy
  • …and is designed to help you trust your recovery, live and work well.

Who is getUBetter for?

Anyone 18 or over who needs help with a joint or muscle problem.

What will I get?

Instant and 24/7 access to a personalised programme

Easy-to-follow self-progression exercises

Daily tips and local guidance from day one

Advice on where to seek help when needed

Access to local treatments and services

What are the next steps?

  • Follow the link to access your local health service, then select your GP practice, aswell as the condition you’d like support with. Enter your email.[1]access/1/8248a99e81e752cb9b41da3fc43fbe7f
  • Download the getUBetter app and sign up using the same email address.
  • Follow the instructions in the app to access your local support pathway.
  • Log in and follow your programme regularly to improve your MSK health.

If you need further help getting started, watch our videos (GetUBetter get started, GetUBetter How it works) or get in touch with one of our team:

The app is not suitable for:

  • Under 18-year-olds
  • People with worsening neurological symptoms like numbness, weakness, or problems with bowel or bladder.
  • People diagnosed with an infection, rheumatological problems, neurological issues, cancer, kidney, fracture, and pelvic organ pain.
  • People that are requiring an ongoing close medical attention.
  • People with very severe, worsening symptoms
  • Pregnancy-related problems

Diabetes management during Ramadan

23rd February 2024Patient information, Uncategorised

Image of Lanterns and glowing light depicting Arabian theme

Ramadan Mubarak 2024

Ramadan is soon upon us, and for those who have diabetes and wish to fast we strive to support you so that you can fulfil your fasting safely without compromising your health.
This is just a reminder that it is important to get advice in advance regarding how to manage medications during Ramadan. There is normally Ramadan teaching sessions held at Mile End Hospital, the information however will be general therefore if you have lots of medications or dosset boxes it’s best to seek personal advice from your practice.

Islam gives exemptions from fasting if you have complex medical problems that are compromised by fasting for long periods. Those that are unable to fast during Ramadan can fast during the winter months when the days are short or can donate money for charity instead of fasting (Fidya & Kaffarah).

Main problem during Ramadan is avoiding hypoglycaemia (low sugar levels) and avoiding acute kidney injury due to lack of water intake throught the day.

People with Type 1 diabetes and those with renal failure, pregnant, frail or with other medical conditions where fasting will affect them negatively are advised against fasting.

During Ramadan, medications that are normally taken at breakfast time are usually taken at Iftar and the night medications are usually taken at Sehri time. For those with lunchtime medications, it’s important to ask when to take the medication instead of assuming you can just stop taking it. Due to the short periods when one can eat and drink, some medications need reducing but not all need stopping.

All diabetes medications including insulin which are taken at Iftar should be taken during the meal or just after the meal to prevent hypo happening as one would have been fasting for over 12 hours. This is why it is extremely important to get help from one of the diabetes nurses on dosing in advance, you can do this onlinbe by submitting a request to the admin team to call you back using this link.

It is important to remember to switch back to taking your medications how you normally take them after Ramadan is over.

Hoping you fulfil your wishes for Ramadan 2024

Bonnie Mpofu (Diabetes Specialist Nurse)
Jubilee Street Practice

Flu vaccinations for 2023 – 2024

11th November 2023Medical

The below groups will be eligible for a flu vaccine from 01 September 2023:

  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
  • Pregnant women
  • All children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2023
  • Primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)
  • Those in long-stay residential care homes
  • Carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

Frontline workers in a social care setting, without an employer led occupational health scheme. Including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or Personal Health budgets, such as Personal Assistants

House-bound patients will be contacted in due course and be offered vaccination at home by our approved local pharmacy


Doctor Digital Event – NHS App

13th October 2023Online services

Do more with the NHS App!

Join us to learn how to download the NHS App and use it to reorder your repeat prescriptions.

Thursday 19 October 2023 10.00am to 13.00pm

Tarling East Community Centre 63 Martha Street, Shadwell, E1 2PA

Refreshments will be served

Doctor Digital poster