Undergraduate training

Jubilee Street Practice continued its long history of helping to shape the doctors of the future by teaching undergraduate medical students this year. We are an approved teaching practice for Barts and the London School of Medicine and this year provided teaching to second, fourth and fifth year students, as well as teaching fifth year students from Kings College School of Medicine.

Dr. Emma Ovink is now the lead general practitioner for undergraduate teaching at Jubilee Street, having completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice at Queen Mary, University of London. However many if not all members of the practice team are involved in teaching students, including GPs, nurses, health visitors, and district nurses, and we hope through this that students achieve a greater and more thorough understanding of General Practice.

Postgraduate training

The Jubilee Street Practice continues to be a training practice since 1976. The Practice provides training for Junior Doctors who are recently qualified but do not as yet have Specialist Training. Currently, we have three trainers in the Practice. They are Dr. Nicola Hagdrup, Dr. Jens Ruhbach and Dr. Salma Ahmed as trainers for the Specialist Training Program. Dr. Emma Ovink provides training for foundation year training junior doctors. We have been delighted with the Junior Doctors that we teach and are proud that many have gone on to be GP’s in the local area. Our teaching involves consultation skills, as well as tutorials from different team members on dealing with different medical conditions, ethical dilemmas and administrative and political topics. In recognition of our teaching, we are delighted to say we came second to the Elizabeth Paice Teaching Award amongst London GP training practices in 2012.


Jubilee Street Practice continues to be involved in local research as an RCGP research interested practice. Dr. Salma Ahmed continues to vet research proposals which arrive at the practice. Out of principle we do not collaborate with specific named drug company sponsored research requests. Our aim is to be involved with projects that directly or indirectly help the local population.
Our current involvement includes:

  • The HEPFREE Study with Bart's Health: This study aims to pick up by a blood test people at risk of carrying hepatitis B or C.
  • The HappyLondon Project a study with Queen Mary and Bart's Health: This targets patients between 40 and 74 yrs old and aims to involve ways of improving the hearts health.
  • The Strongyloides Study: In collaboration with the London Hospital of Tropical Medicine and a training doctor. This aimed to pick up a rare worm that could cause bowel symptoms and then provide treatment.
  • Hypertension Project with Dr. Wald. This involved patients at Jubilee Street Practice receiving a text message reminder to take their tablets to see if it improved compliance.

Dr. Tom Margham worked at length with Arthritis Research UK. Through those links he recruited patients to a study being run by Southampton University looking into patient education for patients with low literacy levels who have arthritis. Patients with gout were recruited to talk about their experiences of living with gout – this resource is now live at healthtalkonline.org.

Virginia Patania, our very own Transformation Partner, authored a food blog earning excellent reviews. The blog is composed of every single food item which she consumed over the course of one year and the stories behind each one of them. The blog is featured on Blog Spot, aptly named, ‘Eating the Year’: 365 Days, 1964 Photos…

Continued professional development

Our GPs are constantly keeping up to date with new research and medical developments. The Practice runs successful bi-monthly Protected Learning Times, which keep all members of clinical staff up to date with clinical issues and current audits. We work in a network with other Practices, and attend external educational meetings within the network or promoted by our Primary Care Trust.

Staff training

Our non-clinical staff also benefits from regular Protected Learning Times, where issues ranging from Customer Services to the administration of new clinical services are covered. Staff also benefits from the development of a personal development plan, progress on which is reviewed annually.

Registrar’s report

I am one of the GP trainees at Jubilee Street Practice (JSP). I am 6 months into an 8 month post here. The ethos here at JSP is second to none! Everybody is driven to provide the best service possible and the atmosphere is such a friendly and inspiring one. Furthermore there is a never ending drive to explore new ideas and innovate at any opportunity. Every single member of staff is a pleasure to work with especially my own supervisor Dr. Salma Ahmed who is always on hand to teach and support me whenever I need it. This alongside the wonderfully diverse patient population makes JSP a pleasure to work at. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here!

Melvyn Adjei