Hay fever!
Hay fever symptoms are particularly troublesome this year, with many people finding that their usual treatments are not working as well for them.
There are lots of things you can do to help yourself and your family; here is some advice you can try before contacting the practice:
- Take an antihistamine tablet daily – if you find one is not working you can try an alternative, this can often make a difference
- If you suffer with eye and nose symptoms (itchy eyes, sneezing etc.) then also use a steroid nose spray once or twice a day and regular eye drops 2-4 times a day
- Speak to a community pharmacist for advice on trying different brands and doses – they are experienced in this
- If your symptoms are still not controlled you can increase the antihistamine tablet to twice daily
- You can find advice on other measures to reduce your hay fever symptoms such as Vaseline around your nose, wraparound sunglasses, and frequent showers to get rid of pollen, here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hay-fever/
- If you have tried all of the above and your symptoms are still bad, then please make contact with the practice either by phone or by email and our team will be happy to give you further advice.
Need to know where you can go with your young children for advice and support?
- Health Visitors at the Jubilee St Practice
- Local Children’s centres
Better Beginnings Project
supporting mums with babies in Tower Hamlets, ask your HV!
Care confident: What to do, when to worry
Care Confident is a new educational and communication campaign aimed at supporting families with under five year olds in better understanding the signs and symptoms of the most common childhood illnesses, helping them to know what to do, and when to worry. It also aims to help parents and carers keep their children healthy.
Chronic pain
Many of our patients are living with long-term pain. You can find some really useful information and resources, to help you live well, despite the pain by clicking on the following link: www.my.livewellwithpain.co.uk
Do you or someone you know need help with dementia?
Long term diabetic or newly diagnosed diabetic and wanting more information about this very common problem?
General advice and information - www.diabetes.org.uk
Foot care - www.nhs.uk/Livewell/foothealth
Drug or alcohol issues
For information or advice for yourself or a relative.
Healthy lifestyles
Locality-based Social Prescribing for health….ask at reception!
Healthy minds - psychology and other support
Do you have a recent or a long term mental health problem?
Self referral for non complex psychological assessment and support can be made to; www.towerhamletstalkingtherapies.nhs.uk
Or do you have a more long term mental health problem resulting in isolation or social disruption?
The following support people with more long term mental health problems in their mental health and wellbeing.
Questions about your children’s vaccinations?
Want to know more about your medicines?
Your local pharmacist is an excellent source of advice on all aspects of prescribing. Data sheets on medicines are often alarming as they mention every possible side effect ! Pharmacists can help put this in context for you- especially if they know you and are familiar with your health related problems. The practice pharmacist may also be able assist you if your local pharmacist cannot.
For advice re safety of medicines in pregnancy
Musculoskeletal / Arthritis
Do you want some information about how to keep active and what exercises might help keep those joints stronger and in less pain?
People with cancer
Do you need help and advice as someone with cancer or someone who knows a person with cancer?
Sexual health, contraception and pregnancy
Need advice on sexual health, contraception or pregnancy? We offer a range of services at the practice but if this is not convenient, you can seek help at one of the local centres in Tower Hamlets.