Continence Pads
Patients previously seen by continence service, but just need to re order pads call 0800 030 4466
if discharged from the NHS supply chain ask patient to call continence service 0207 771 5795
Emergency Foot Clinic
Blisters and sores, discharging and infected wounds and inflamed areas such as acute in-growing toenails.
Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays) at Mile End Hospital, Foot Health Department. To ensure treatment they must be present at 8.30am.Service users should please bring their NHS Number for speedy registration for care
Click here to view the foot health service emergency clinic flyer
Urgent Treatment Centre
If you need medical care that's urgent but not life threatening call NHS 111. The Tower Hamlets UTC is open 24 hours 7 days a week for residents or visitors of tower hamlets. For more information about Tower Hamlets UTC view/download the leaflet below.
Clinic 1, South Tower Clinic 1, South Tower (Cavell Entrance), The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Rd, London E1 1FR
Podiatrists offer wide range of services, and their main role is to help prevent or correct deformity and maintain a mobility and foot function. Podiatrists help with pain and problems people may have in their lower leg and feet.
Chiropodists must be registered with the health and care profession council. Before choosing a podiatrist / chiropodist - make sure they are on our list give below.
List of Registered Podiatrists
Adult Eating Disorder Service
The East London NHS Community Adult Disordered Eating Service helps support anyone aged 18+ living in Tower Hamlets, Newham or City and Hackney with any forms of eating disorders. To self refer, please see the leaflet below for more information or email:
Click here to view leaflet for more info: Eating disorder self ref
Foot Health
- DIABETIC foot issues i.e. numbness in feet due to nerve damage
- CIRCULATION PROBLEMS Affecting the feet i.e. diagnosed vascular or arterial disease
- Congenital (issue from birth) FOOT DEFORMITY that will not fit into a retail shoe REQUIRING FOOTWEAR
- Diagnosed significant MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES or Learning Disabilities
0207 771 5775
Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)
The Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) is an NHS service provided by authorised opticians who carries out assessment and treatment for people with recently occurring minor eye problems. For example, if you are experiencing eye irritation and inflammation; Recently occurring flashes and floaters. To learn more about Minor Eye Conditions Service and opticians that are available in tower hamlets, view/download the leaflet below.