Weight Action Programme

Weight Action Programme is a free 12-week in-person or online (via Zoom) programme run by specialists from the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit, Queen Mary University of London.

This service is for adults who work/live/study in Tower Hamlets or registered with a local GP. You must have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more or have a BMI of 27.5 if you are South Asian.


Email: wap@qmul.ac.uk
Telephone: 020 7882 8230

Shape Up 4 Life

Evidence-based programme to make healthy choices a sustainable habit.



Combine personalised care from a healthcare professional with our unique digital tools. This blended approach will help you reach your goals and improve your health management long term.

 0207 622 4777

Weight Action Programme

If your BMI is over 30 (or over 27.5 if you are of South Asian origin) then you can access help with weight loss from Weight Action Programme.

020 7882 8230

JSP Wellbeing Hub - Women's keep fit club

JSP Wellbeing Hub invite you to the weekly Women's Keep Fit club in the Park, come and join us for a run/walk/Pilates session.

To register contact Marjia on 07498862419