London Doctors Clinic

Our expert Nurses are now offering a number of vaccines at many of our clinics in London.

London Doctors Clinic

Jubilee Street Practice does not have any affiliation to this company. Patients must ensure the service is suitable for their needs.

London Vaccination Clinic

We provide Essential Travel Vaccinations to keep you safe, no matter where in the world you’re going.

London Vaccination Clinic

Jubilee Street Practice does not have any affiliation to this company. Patients must ensure the service is suitable for their needs.

Travel Health Pro - Malaria

Anti-malarial medication is not offered through the NHS. You can obtain this medication from your local pharmacy or travel clinic.

See the link below for a factsheet on malaria:

Travel Health Pro


London Travel Clinic

Travel vaccines, medicines and advice from London’s travel health experts.

London Travel Clinic

Jubilee Street Practice does not have any affiliation to this company. Patients must ensure the service is suitable for their needs.

Nomad Travel Clinic

Nomad hold a full range of vaccines in stock, ensuring you leave protected for your trip and free to have a good time.

Nomad Travel Clinic

Jubilee Street Practice does not have any affiliation to this company. Patients must ensure the service is suitable for their needs.

Travel Health Pro - Yellow fever

You are only required to have one vaccination for Yellow Fever in your lifetime, and a small certificate of vaccination will be provided.

Click the link below for a yellow fever vaccination centre locator map:

Travel Health Pro